Coal: Extraction
and Energy Production Impacts on Birds

Coal Mine by USGS
Without proper
care, coal mining (both surface and subsurface) can destroy
land and pollute water. When coal is then burned to produce
energy, it gives off carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas
that is linked with global warming. Burning coal also produces
emissions, such as sulfur, nitrogen oxide, and mercury that
can pollute the air and water. In addition, transporting mined
coal sometimes requires the construction of roads, railroads,
pipelines and other facilities in areas of good bird habitat.
Power plants themselves disrupt the environment, and the transmission
lines that move the electricity also have their impacts.
Impacts on Birds
The United States has the world's
largest known coal reserves, about 267.6 billion short tons.
This is enough coal to last approximately 236 years at today's
level of use. Coal is mined in 27 states. Wyoming mines the
most coal, followed by West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania,
and Texas. Coal is mainly found in three large regions, the
Appalachian Coal Region, the Interior Coal Region, and Western
Coal Region (which includes the Powder River Basin). Generally,
impacts on wildlife have not had a significant effect on the
ability to produce coal. For example, the Appalachian region
is one of the most biodiverse parts of the country, and important
habitat for many migratory birds, including warblers, waterthrushes,
and vireos. It is also important to the coal industry. Over
1,200 mines are found in the region. Some 380,574 acres of
forest habitat were destroyed for the purpose of mountaintop
removal from 1992 to 2002.
One particularly destructive form
of mining is called "Mountaintop
Removal/Valley Fill" whereby entire tops of mountains
are removed to gain access to coal seams. The mountain habitat
is devastated in the process, and the dumping of mountain
rubble into nearby valleys creates further habitat loss as
well as the severe loss of streamwater quality. Mining practices
such as this are blamed in part for the decline in the population
of the Cerulean Warbler, a small, blue songbird that breeds
in the mature forests of the Appalachian Mountains. This migratory
species has experienced a 70% decline since 1966. The Louisiana
Waterthrush, Worm-eating Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler,
and Yellow-throated Vireo are also being threatened by removal
of forest habitat.
Although mining continues to threaten
wild birds across a broad range of habitats, in selected instances,
wildlife concerns are limiting the the manner in which coal
is mined and the amount of coal that can be extracted. For
example, in southern Wyoming, mine plans have had to be adapted
for the protection of raptor habitat, especially that related
to nesting areas for Golden Eagles. In North Dakota, mining
is being restricted in wooded draws, a scarce bird habitat.
Existing Protections for Birds
Protections for birds from coal extraction
is based primarily on a federal provision which states that
an operation must: ".to the extent possible using the best
technology currently available, minimize disturbances and
adverse impacts of the operation on fish, wildlife, and related
environmental values (which has been understood to mean habitat
for birds and other wildlife), and achieve enhancement of
such resources where practicable." In addition, operators
are required to: design electric power lines and other transmission
facilities so as to minimize the potential for electrocution
of raptors, protect or restore riparian areas, and refrain
from using persistent pesticides. In addition, where bird
habitat is to be a primary or secondary post mining land use,
an operator must select plant species on reclaimed areas based
on their nutritional value and their value as cover, and must
distribute these species to optimize habitat. Where cropland
is to be established after mining, fields are to be interspersed
with "trees, hedges, or fence rows." Unfortunately, there
are few protections for birds from the burning of coal to
produce electricity and the related effects on global warming.
In addition, metal accumulation in passerine bird species
has also been found in a zones surrounding coal-fired power
One obvious solution to the growth
of coal extraction is to push for greater energy conservation
and production of renewable energy. Likewise, the adoption
of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology can help
reduce the carbon dioxide emissions significantly while also
allowing coal to meet the world's pressing energy needs. CCS
involves trapping carbon dioxide at the point of production
and then storing it to prevent its release into the atmosphere.
Storage can be in underground formation or in the form of
mineral carbonates.
There are few ways to mitigate for
the destructive practice of mountaintop removal, with the
exception of improved reforestation after the mine has exhausted
its coal reserves.